Hi. Please find me on Goodreads! I want your book recommendations. I'm finding this a great way to mark books I want to read and find the info when I am ready to order them on ILL. I've sworn off paper books, except through the library, so I now think ILL is the bee's knees.
Do you remember Muguet Des Bois? It was my first "grown-up" cologne, when I was 12. I didn't know it was even still available; I found it on Amazon and it arrived today. I've been on a scentimental journey since 10 this morning. Ahhhh.... Now I need to get some Jean Nate body splash and some Bonnie Belle 10 o 6 and I'll be young again.
Another thing that makes me feel young again? Reading like crazy. I've been indulging myself with fiction all summer. That hammock on the deck, and the four days off per week, have allowed me to make a little dent in my "to read" pile. Bliss.
One more thing that makes me feel young? Hanging out with my daughter, who looks eerily like my mother in her youth and a bit like me in my youth--only much more lovely and very like herself! Most of all, sharing books with her and laughing at the same things. Yep. Procreation can be a very good thing.

Caitlin, 2012
Mom, 1947 (ish)
Me, 1977 (yes, I know we look funny. Not a lot of teenage photos of me!)
Disjointed? Yes. Am I drinking a bottle of wine? Yes. It's my "Saturday". Made gazpacho--dinner in a blender. Thanks, Cuisinart!